Sunday, 3 May 2020


If you've enjoyed the fifth series of the John Dredge Nothing to Do with Anything Show, then 404 Funny has an added treat for you. Actually, the treat's available regardless of whether you liked it or not, so you're stuck with it.

On March 1st, John and co-writer / producer Richard Cray sat in a couple of comfortable armchairs and wobbled on for several hours, pretty much giving away all the secrets. Thankfully, this was covered for posterity - and possibly as a warning for future generations - and is being presented to you in two instalments over the next couple of days.

Find out:
  • Just how close Twig Harper came to being killed off
  • Whether aardvarks really go “gnick gnick”
  • What the Lighthouse Family did to deserve such frightful treatment from a couple of unemployable writers in their early 50s
  • What Richard was wearing the first time John met him
  • Why all the irresponsibly unsafe TV shows of the 1970s were made by ATV
  • Where all the other sketch shows have gone
  • And much, much more..!

The first half of the Writers' Commentary is available now:

The concluding part will become available tomorrow, you lucky people.

Not heard the show yet? Get thee over to British Comedy Guide at and stream or download all five series before it becomes an arrestable offence.

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